
Volcanic impact on stratospheric aerosol chemistry


Samples collected by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) using the multiple-filter sampler on the U-2 were analyzed. The sampler is capable of exposing a number of 110 mm filters in sequence to ram air flow. Two types of filters, IPC cellulose and polystrene, were used, both of which have high blank levels for the trace elements determined. The levels of most trace elements in the stratosphere are so low under normal circumstances that none can be seen. Results from the eruption of Mt. St. Helens, a mystery cloud (probably volcanic in origin) in 1982, and the El Chichonal eruption in 1983 are discussed. To improve the collection of particles for chemical analysis, a new sampling system was developed for use on the U-2. The sampler consisted of an electrostatic collection of particles between 1 and 0.001 micron diameter dierectly onto electron microscopic grids, followed by a thermal precipitation for the smaller particles. The system was built and tested in the laboratory, but never flown on the U-2

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