
Millstone Hill measurements and TGCM simulation for the 30 May 1984 annular solar eclipse


On 30 May 1984, the Millstone Hill incoherent scatter radar was operated to gather data on the effects of the annular solar eclipse on the structure and dynamics of the ionosphere and thermosphere. The eclipse path was about 3 deg. south of Millstone which experienced a maximum obscuration of 86% at about 1705 UT. Both the zenith steerable antennas at Millstone were used in the experiment to collect data on the temporal evolution of the eclipse effects. This experiment represented the first opportunity at Millstone to collect data during an eclipse in the absence of a major magnetospheric disturbance which had previously made the unravelling of eclipse effects difficult. In addition, the configuration of the experiment and analysis of the data included a detailed examination of the effects on the neutral atmosphere. A major catalyst for this study was the opportunity to compare the results with the predictions made from the Thermospheric General Circulation Model (TGCM) at NCAR, as a calibration point for the model. The Arecibo and Sondrestrom radars also participated as part of a radar chain experiment. The analysis of the data from these stations is in progress; the initial results from Millstone Hill are presented

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