
Use of hydrophilic polymer coatings for control of electroosmosis and protein adsorption


The purpose of this project was to examine the utility of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and dextran coatings for control of electroosmosis and protein adsorption; electroosmosis is an important, deleterious process affecting electrophoretic separations, and protein adsorption is a factor which needs to be controlled during protein crystal growth to avoid multiple nucleation sites. Performance of the project required use of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to refine previously developed synthetic methods. The results of this spectroscopic examination are reported. Measurements of electroosmotic mobility of charged particles in appropriately coated capillaries reveals that a new, one-step route to coating capillaries gives a surface in which electroosmosis is dramatically reduced. Similarly, both PEG and dextran coatings were shown by protein adsorption measurements to be highly effective at reducing protein adsorption on solid surfaces. These results should have impact on future low-g electrophoretic and protein crystal growth experiments

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