
Inflow measurements made with a laser velocimeter on a helicopter model in forward flight. Volume 4: Tapered planform blades at an advance ratio of 0.15


An experimental investigation was conducted in the 14- by 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel at NASA Langley Research Center to measure the inflow into the scale model helicopter rotor in forward flight (mu sub infinity = 0.15). The measurements were made with a two-component Laser Velocimeter (LV) one chord above the plane formed by the path of the rotor tips (tip path plane). A conditional sampling technique was employed to determine the position of the rotor at the time that each velocity measurement was made so that the azimuthal fluctuations in velocity could be determined. Measurements were made at a total of 146 separate locations in order to clearly define the inflow character. This data is presented herein without analysis. In order to increase the availability of the resulting data, both the mean and azimuthally dependent values are included as part of this report on two 5.25 inch floppy disks in MS-DOS format

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