
Potential surfaces for O atom-polymer reactions


Ab initio quantum chemistry methods are used to study the energetics of interactions of O atoms with organic compounds. Polyethylene (CH2)n has been chosen as the model system to study the interactions of O(3P) and O(1D) atoms with polymers. In particular, H abstraction is investigated and polyethylene is represented by a C3 (propane) oligomeric model. The gradient method, as implemented in the GRADSCF package of programs, is used to determine the geometries and energies of products and reactants. The saddle point, barrier geometry is determined by minimizing the squares of the gradients of the potential with respect to the internal coordinates. To correctly describe the change in bonding during the reaction at least a two configuration MCSCF (multiconfiguration self consistent field) or GVB (generalized valence bond) wave function has to be used. Basis sets include standard Pople and Dunning sets, however, increased with polarization functions and diffuse p functions on both the C and O atoms. The latter is important due to the O(-) character of the wave function at the saddle point and products. Normal modes and vibrational energy levels are given for the reactants, saddle points and products. Finally, quantitative energetics are obtained by implementing a small CAS (complete active space) approach followed by limited configuration interaction (CI) calculations. Comparisons are made with available experimental data

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