Gear tooth stress measurements on the UH-60A helicopter transmission
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The U.S. Army UH-60A (Black Hawk) 2200-kW (3000-hp) class twin-engine helicopter transmission was tested at the NASA Lewis Research Center. Results from these experimental (strain-gage) stress tests will enhance the data base for gear stress levels in transmissions of a similar power level. Strain-gage measurements were performed on the transmission's spiral-bevel combining pinions, the planetary Sun gear, and ring gear. Tests were performed at rated speed and at torque levels 25 to 100 percent that of rated. One measurement series was also taken at a 90 percent speed level. The largest stress found was 760 MPa (110 ksi) on the combining pinion fillet. This is 230 percent greater than the AGMA index stress. Corresponding mean and alternating stresses were 300 and 430 MPa (48 and 62 ksi). These values are within the range of successful test experience reported for other transmissions. On the fillet of the ring gear, the largest stress found was 410 MPa (59 ksi). The ring-gear peak stress was found to be 11 percent less than an analytical (computer simulation) value and it is 24 percent greater than the AGMA index stress. A peak compressive stress of 650 MPa (94 ksi) was found at the center of the Sun gear tooth root