
Transonic analysis and design of axisymmetric bodies in nonuniform flow


An inviscid nonuniform axisymmetric transonic code was developed for applications in analysis and design. Propfan slipstream effect on pressure distribution for a body with and without sting was investigated. Results show that nonuniformity causes pressure coefficient to be more negative and shock strength to be stronger and more rearward. Sting attached to a body reduced the pressure peak and moves the rear shock forward. Extent and Mach profile shapes of the nonuniformity region appeared to have little effect on the pressure distribution. Increasing nonuniformity magnitude made pressure coefficient more negative and moved the shock rearward. Design study was conducted with the CONMIN optimizer for an ellipsoid and a body with the NACA-0012 counter. For the ellipsoid, the general trend showed that to reduce the pressure drag, the front portion of the body should be thinner and the contour of the rear portion should be flatter than the ellipsoid. For the design of a body with a sharp trailing edge in transonic flow with an initial shape given by the NACA-0012 contour, the pressure drag was reduced by decreasing the nose radius and increasing the thickness in the aft portion. Drag reduction percentages are given

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