
Evaluation of ERBE scanner pointing accuracy based upon a coastline detection algorithm


Measurements from the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) scanning radiometers must be accurately located at the top of the Earth's atmosphere for proper interpretation of derived longwave and shortwave components of the Earth radiation field. The accuracy of the location calculations is affected by the orbit characteristics and attitude control systems of the three spacecraft, ERBS, NOAA-9, and NOAA-10. A technique was developed which makes use of the longwave scanner measurements to detect the thermal gradients at the boundaries of ocean and land masses. By analyzing many such coastline boundaries, estimates of the overall accuracy of the scanner measurement location calculations have been derived for the three satellites. The resulting measurement location errors are found to be smaller than the resolution of the radiometers, and this accuracy is well within the required location knowledge for useful science analysis of the ERBE scanner data

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