
Sampling Mars: Analytical requirements and work to do in advance


Sending a mission to Mars to collect samples and return them to the Earth for analysis is without doubt one of the most exciting and important tasks for planetary science in the near future. Many scientifically important questions are associated with the knowledge of the composition and structure of Martian samples. Amongst the most exciting questions is the clarification of the SNC problem- to prove or disprove a possible Martian origin of these meteorites. Since SNC meteorites have been used to infer the chemistry of the planet Mars, and its evolution (including the accretion history), it would be important to know if the whole story is true. But before addressing possible scientific results, we have to deal with the analytical requirements, and with possible pre-return work. It is unlikely to expect that a possible Mars sample return mission will bring back anything close to the amount returned by the Apollo missions. It will be more like the amount returned by the Luna missions, or at least in that order of magnitude. This requires very careful sample selection, and very precise analytical techniques. These techniques should be able to use minimal sample sizes and on the other hand optimize the scientific output. The possibility to work with extremely small samples should not obstruct another problem: possible sampling errors. As we know from terrestrial geochemical studies, sampling procedures are quite complicated and elaborate to ensure avoiding sampling errors. The significance of analyzing a milligram or submilligram sized sample and putting that in relationship with the genesis of whole planetary crusts has to be viewed with care. This leaves a dilemma on one hand, to minimize the sample size as far as possible in order to have the possibility of returning as many different samples as possible, and on the other hand to take a sample large enough to be representative. Whole rock samples are very useful, but should not exceed the 20 to 50 g range, except in cases of extreme inhomogeneity, because for larger samples the information tends to become redundant. Soil samples should be in the 2 to 10 g range, permitting the splitting of the returned samples for studies in different laboratories with variety of techniques

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