
A generalized chemistry version of SPARK


An extension of the reacting H2-air computer code SPARK is presented, which enables the code to be used on any reacting flow problem. Routines are developed calculating in a general fashion, the reaction rates, and chemical Jacobians of any reacting system. In addition, an equilibrium routine is added so that the code will have frozen, finite rate, and equilibrium capabilities. The reaction rate for the species is determined from the law of mass action using Arrhenius expressions for the rate constants. The Jacobian routines are determined by numerically or analytically differentiating the law of mass action for each species. The equilibrium routine is based on a Gibbs free energy minimization routine. The routines are written in FORTRAN 77, with special consideration given to vectorization. Run times for the generalized routines are generally 20 percent slower than reaction specific routines. The numerical efficiency of the generalized analytical Jacobian, however, is nearly 300 percent better than the reaction specific numerical Jacobian used in SPARK

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