
Surface catalytic degradation study of two linear perfluoropolyalkylethers at 345 C


Thin-liquid-film degradation studies of two commercially available perfluoropolyalkylether fluids (PFAE) were performed at 345 C, in nitrogen and air atmospheres, on iron and 440 C stainless steel surfaces. It was found that one fluid degraded on both iron and 440 C stainless steel surfaces in an air atmosphere, whereas the other fluid did not degrade. Chemical analysis revealed that the test fluid degraded to lower molecular weight products and that the degradation was accompanied by the formation of a brownish deposit on both the iron and 440 C stainless steel surfaces. Surface analysis of the deposit revealed a susbstantial amount of iron oxide (Fe2O3). It was hypothesized that the fluid which degraded did so because of its acetal structure. The other fluid, lacking the acetal structure, did not degrade

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