
The orbit of the Cepheid AW Per


An orbit for the classical Cepheid AW Per was derived. Phase residuals from the light curve are consistent with the light-time effect from the orbit. The companion was studied using IUE spectra. The flux distribution from 1300 to 1700 A is unusual, probably an extreme PbSi star, comparable to a B7V or B8V star. The flux of the composite spectrum from 1200 A through V is well matched by F7Ib and B8V standard stars with Delta M(sub upsilon) = 3(m) multiplied by 1. The mass function from the orbit indicates that the mass of the Cepheid must be greater that 4.7 solar mass if it is the more massive component. A B7V to B8V companion is compatible with the 1 sigma lower limit (3.5 solar mass) from the mass function. This implies that the Cepheid has the same mass, but the large magnitude difference rules this out. It is likely that the companion is itself a binary

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