
Tele-autonomous control involving contacts: The applications of a high precision laser line range sensor


The object localization algorithm based on line-segment matching is presented. The method is very simple and computationally fast. In most cases, closed-form formulas are used to derive the solution. The method is also quite flexible, because only few surfaces (one or two) need to be accessed (sensed) to gather necessary range data. For example, if the line-segments are extracted from boundaries of a planar surface, only parameters of one surface and two of its boundaries need to be extracted, as compared with traditional point-surface matching or line-surface matching algorithms which need to access at least three surfaces in order to locate a planar object. Therefore, this method is especially suitable for applications when an object is surrounded by many other work pieces and most of the object is very difficult, is not impossible, to be measured; or when not all parts of the object can be reached. The theoretical ground on how to use line range sensor to located an object was laid. Much work has to be done in order to be really useful

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