
A two-dimensional model of the quasi biennial oscillation of ozone


The largest amplitudes of the observed Quasi Biennial Oscillation (QBO) in column ozone are found in high latitudes and this must be taken into account in any explanation of the increased depletion of ozone in the southern polar spring during the 1980's. A QBO in zonal wind, temperature and column ozone has been successfully modelled in a two-dimensional dynamical/chemical model by the introduction of a parameterization scheme to model the transfer of momentum to the zonal flow associated with the damping of vertically propagating Kelvin and Rossby-Gravity waves. The largest anomalies in column ozone of approximately 20 DU are present at high latitudes. The equatorial ozone QBO is out of phase with the mid- and high-latitude ozone QBO, in good agreement with observations

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