
Investigation of plasma contactors for use with orbiting wires


The proposed Shuttle-based short tether experiments with hollow cathodes have the potential for providing important data that will not be obtained in long tether experiments. A critical property for hollow cathode effectiveness as a plasma contactor is the cross magnetic field conductivity of the emitted plasma. The different effects of hollow cathode cloud overlap in the cases of motion-driven and battery-driven operation are emphasized. The calculations presented on the size and shape of the hollow cathode cloud improve the qualitative picture of hollow cathodes in low Earth orbit and provide estimates of time constants for establishing the fully-expanded cloud. The magnetic boundary value problem calculations indicate the way in which the magnetic field will effect the shape of the cloud by resisting expansion in the direction perpendicular to the field. The large-scale interactions of the system were also considered. It was concluded that recent plasma chamber experiments by Stenzel and Urrutia do not model an electrodynamic tether well enough to apply the results to tethered system behavior. Orbiting short tether experiments on hollow cathodes will provide critical information on hollow cathode performance and the underlying physics that cannot be obtained any other way. Experiments should be conducted as soon as funding and a suitable space vehicle are available

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