
Assessment of AVIRIS data from vegetated sites in the Owens Valley, California


Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data were acquired from the Bishop, CA area, located at the northern end of the Owens Valley, on July 30, 1987. Radiometrically-corrected AVIRIS data were flat-field corrected, and spectral curves produced and analyzed for pixels taken from both native and cultivated vegetation sites, using the JPS SPAM software program and PC-based spreadsheet programs. Analyses focussed on the chlorophyll well and red edge portions of the spectral curves. Results include the following: AVIRIS spectral data are acquired at sufficient spectral resolution to allow detection of blue shifts of both the chlorophyll well and red edge in moisture-stressed vegetation when compared with non-stressed vegetation; a normalization of selected parameters (chlorophyll well and near infrared shoulder) may be used to emphasize the shift in red edge position; and the presence of the red edge in AVIRIS spectral curves may be useful in detecting small amounts (20 to 30 pct cover) of semi-arid and arid vegetation ground cover. A discussion of possible causes of AVIRIS red edge shifts in respsonse to stress is presented

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