On estimating scale invariance in stratocumulus cloud fields
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Examination of cloud radiance fields derived from satellite observations sometimes indicates the existence of a range of scales over which the statistics of the field are scale invariant. Many methods were developed to quantify this scaling behavior in geophysics. The usefulness of such techniques depends both on the physics of the process being robust over a wide range of scales and on the availability of high resolution, low noise observations over these scales. These techniques (area perimeter relation, distribution of areas, estimation of the capacity, d0, through box counting, correlation exponent) are applied to the high resolution satellite data taken during the FIRE experiment and provides initial estimates of the quality of data required by analyzing simple sets. The results of the observed fields are contrasted with those of images of objects with known characteristics (e.g., dimension) where the details of the constructed image simulate current observational limits. Throughout when cloud elements and cloud boundaries are mentioned; it should be clearly understood that by this structures in the radiance field are meant: all the boundaries considered are defined by simple threshold arguments