
Proterozoic Bushveld-Vredefort catastrophe: Possible causes and consequences


Bushveld Complex and Vredefort Dome are unique features, formed in close proximity during the same time interval, approximately 2 Ga. Both show evidence of catastrophic events in the shallow marine environment of the otherwise stable Kaapvaal Craton. Explanation by multiple impacts of an asteroid, brecciated by an inter-asteroidal collision and disintegrating in Earth's gravity field is supported by pseudotachylite, shatter cones, coesite, and stishovite at Vredefort but these shock phenomena were not found in the Bushveld Complex. The Bushveld Complex was formerly interpreted as a lopolith, a view incompatible with gravity, electrical resistivity, magnetic, and seismic-reflection data. It is outlined by five inward-dipping lobes of layered ultramafic-mafic plutonic rocks that partly coalesce to form a basin-like feature 400 km in diameter and 65,000 sq. km. in area, equivalent to a small lunar mare. The Bushveld Complex is orders of magnitudes larger than other proposed terrestrial impact structures and differs from them in important ways. Its principal members, in order of age, are Rooiberg Felsite, RLS, and Lebowa Granite. The Bushveld-Vredefort events occurred during the interval from neutral or reducing atmosphere to oxidizing atmosphere. This transition is usually related to the evolution of photosynthesizing organisms. If the impact hypothesis for Bushveld-Vredefort can be confirmed, it may represent a global catastrophe sufficient to contribute to environmental changes favoring aerobic photosynthesizing eukaryotes over anaerobic prokaryotes

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