
A new class of random processes with application to helicopter noise


The concept of dividing random processes into classes (e.g., stationary, locally stationary, periodically correlated, and harmonizable) has long been employed. A new class of random processes is introduced which includes many of these processes as well as other interesting processes which fall into none of the above classes. Such random processes are denoted as linearly correlated. This class is shown to include the familiar stationary and periodically correlated processes as well as many other, both harmonizable and non-harmonizable, nonstationary processes. When a process is linearly correlated for all t and harmonizable, its two-dimensional power spectral density S(x)(omega 1, omega 2) is shown to take a particularly simple form, being non-zero only on lines such that omega 1 to omega 2 = + or - r(k) where the r(k's) are (not necessarily equally spaced) roots of a characteristic function. The relationship of such processes to the class of stationary processes is examined. In addition, the application of such processes in the analysis of typical helicopter noise signals is described

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