Flight motor set 360L001 (STS-26R). (Reconstructed dynamic loads analysis)
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A transient analysis was performed to correlate the predicted versus measured behavior of the Redesigned Solid Rocket Booster (RSRB) during Flight 360L001 (STS-26R) liftoff. Approximately 9 accelerometers, 152 strain gages, and 104 girth gages were bonded to the motors during this event. Prior to Flight 360L001, a finite element model of the RSRB was analyzed to predict the accelerations, strains, and displacements measured by this developmental flight instrumentation (DFI) within an order of magnitude. Subsequently, an analysis has been performed which uses actual Flight 360L001 liftoff loading conditions, and makes more precise predictions for the RSRB structural behavior. Essential information describing the analytical model, analytical techniques used, correlation of the predicted versus measured RSRB behavior, and conclusions, are presented. A detailed model of the RSRB was developed and correlated for use in analyzing the motor behavior during liftoff loading conditions. This finite element model, referred to as the RSRB global model, uses super-element techniques to model all components of the RSRB. The objective of the RSRB global model is to accurately predict deflections and gap openings in the field joints to an accuracy of approximately 0.001 inch. The model of the field joint component was correlated to Referee and Joint Environment Simulation (JES) tests. The accuracy of the assembled RSRB global model was validated by correlation to static-fire tests such DM-8, DM-9, QM-7, and QM-8. This validated RSRB global model was used to predict RSRB structural behavior and joint gap opening during Flight 360L001 liftoff. The results of a transient analysis of the RSRB global model with imposed liftoff loading conditions are presented. Rockwell used many gage measurements to reconstruct the load parameters which were imposed on the RSRB during the Flight 360L001 liftoff. Each load parameter, and its application, is described. Also presented are conclusions and recommendations based on the analysis of this load case and the resulting correlation between predicted and measured RSRB structural behavior