
Viscous effects on the instability of an axisymmetric jet


The stability characteristics of a laminar, axisymmetric jet, issuing from fully developed Poiseuille flow, are investigated. The jet preferred frequency, as inferred from surveys of u'-spectra, is found to yield a Strouhal number (St) that depends on the Reynolds number (R); St and R are based on the jet diameter (D) and the average velocity (U sub av) at the jet origin. The value of St increases with increasing R in the range 400 less than approximately R less than approximately 4000, attaining an asymptotic value of about 0.45. Flow visualization confirms that the instability is primarily in a helical mode, as predicted by stability analyses. Analyses do predict a similar St versus R variation in approximately the correct St-range. However, the R-range where this is predicted is lower than that found experimentally

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