Generic task problem solvers in Soar
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Two trends can be discerned in research in problem solving architectures in the last few years. On one hand, interest in task-specific architectures has grown, wherein types of problems of general utility are identified, and special architectures that support the development of problem solving systems for those types of problems are proposed. These architectures help in the acquisition and specification of knowledge by providing inference methods that are appropriate for the type of problem. However, knowledge based systems which use only one type of problem solving method are very brittle, and adding more types of methods requires a principled approach to integrating them in a flexible way. Contrasting with this trend is the proposal for a flexible, general architecture contained in the work on Soar. Soar has features which make it attractive for flexible use of all potentially relevant knowledge or methods. But as the theory Soar does not make commitments to specific types of problem solvers or provide guidance for their construction. It was investigated how task-specific architectures can be constructed in Soar to retain as many of the advantages as possible of both approaches. Examples were used from the Generic Task approach for building knowledge based systems. Though this approach was developed and applied for a number of problems, the ideas are applicable to other task-specific approaches as well