
The 32-GHz performance of the DSS-14 70-meter antenna: 1989 configuration


The results of preliminary 32 GHz calibrations of the 70 meter antenna at Goldstone are presented. Measurements were done between March and July 1989 using Virgo A and Venus as the primary efficiency calibrators. The flux densites of theses radio sources at 32 GHz are not known with high accuracy, but were extrapolated from calibrated data at lower frequencies. The measured value of efficiency (0.35) agreed closely with the predicted value (0.32), and the results are very repeatable. Flux densities of secondary sources used in the observations were subsequently derived. These measurements were performed using a beamswitching radiometer that employed an uncooled high-electron mobility transistor (HEMT) low-noise amplifier. This system was installed primarily to determine the performance of the antenna in its 1989 configuration, but the experience will also aid in successful future calibration of the Deep Space Network (DSN) at this frequency

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