Real-time application of knowledge-based systems
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The Rapid Prototyping Facility (RPF) was developed to meet a need for a facility which allows flight systems concepts to be prototyped in a manner which allows for real-time flight test experience with a prototype system. This need was focused during the development and demonstration of the expert system flight status monitor (ESFSM). The ESFSM was a prototype system developed on a LISP machine, but lack of a method for progressive testing and problem identification led to an impractical system. The RPF concept was developed, and the ATMS designed to exercise its capabilities. The ATMS Phase 1 demonstration provided a practical vehicle for testing the RPF, as well as a useful tool. ATMS Phase 2 development continues. A dedicated F-18 is expected to be assigned for facility use in late 1988, with RAV modifications. A knowledge-based autopilot is being developed using the RPF. This is a system which provides elementary autopilot functions and is intended as a vehicle for testing expert system verification and validation methods. An expert system propulsion monitor is being prototyped. This system provides real-time assistance to an engineer monitoring a propulsion system during a flight