
O2 reduction at the IFC orbiter fuel cell O2 electrode


O2 reduction Tafel data were obtained for the IFC Orbiter fuel cell O2 electrode (Au-10 percent Pt catalyst) at temperatures between 24 and 81 C. BET measurements gave an electrode surface area of about 2040 sq cm per sq cm of geometric area. The Tafel data could be fitted to three straight line regions. For current densities less than 0.001 A/sq cm, the slope was essentially independent of temperature with a value of about 0.032 V/decade. Above 0.001 A/sq cm, the two regions, designated in the present study as the 0.04 and 0.12 V/decate regions, were temperature dependent. The apparent energies of activation for these two regions were about 9.3 and 6.5 kcal/mol, respectively. Tafel data (1 atmosphere O2) were extrapolated to 120 C for predicting changes in overpotential with increasing temperature. A mechanism is presented for O2 reduction

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