
Limb-darkening functions as derived from along-track operation of the ERBE scanning radiometers for August 1985


During August 1985, the scanning radiometers of the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment aboard the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite (ERBS) and the NOAA-9 satellite were operated in along-track scanning modes. These data were analyzed to produce limb darkening functions for Earth-emitted radiation, which relates the radiance in any given direction to the radiant exitence. Limb darkening functions are presented and shown as figures for day and night for each spacecraft. The scene types were computed using measurements within 10 deg of zenith. The models have values near zenith of 1.02 to 1.09, with values near 1.06 being typical. The typical value of the model is 1.06 for both day and night for ERBS, and for NOAA-9, the typical value at zenith is 1.06 for day and 1.05 for night. Mean models are formed for the ERBS and for the NOAA-9 results and are found to differ less than 1 percent, the ERBS results being the higher. The models vary about 1 percent with latitude near zenith

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