
Design and implementation of a ground control console prototype for OMV


One of the primary uses of the Flat Floor facility of The Marshall Flight Center is to perform autonomous and teleoperated docking of vehicles similar to NASA's Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle (OMV). Using both the air-bearing vehicle and the 8 DOF Dynamic Overhead Target Simulator (DOTS) in tandem, even the most difficult OMV docking problems can be simulated. The OMV was planned to be flown from the ground by a pilot via teleoperation. Specifications were developed for a prototype Ground Control Console (GCC) from where the vehicle will be flown. In order for testing of the OMV to occur at Flat Floor facility, this GCC must be replicated. The project was divided into three primary tasks: (1) the design and development of the video display; (2) the design and development of the switch panel using the micro switch programmable display pushbutton switches; and (3) the design and development of the hand controllers. A final task is to perform system integration on the results of these three primary tasks

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