
Global variability of water vapor and condensate from SSM/I


In the three years since its launch, the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) provided the beginnings of a data set crucial to the study of the Earth's global hydrologic cycle. Investigations with SSM/I centered largely on two themes: (1) an analysis of the variability in atmospheric moisture as a signature of dynamic and kinematic processes, and (2) development of high quality data sets for determining moisture balance and, eventually, diabatic heating on regional and planetary scales. To date, most of the emphasis has been on the precipitable water field since algorithms for this quantity appear to be the most mature. In addition, researchers began work with liquid water, precipitating ice and ocean surface wind stress fields. The retrievals used in these studies are from algorithms developed by Wentz (RSS Tech Rpt. 1989) and Spencer (1988 JTECH)

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