
Pre-encounter observations of 951 Gaspra


Photometry and colorimetry of 951 Gaspra were obtained on nine nights during the 1990 opposition. A composite lightcurve constructed using data from eight of those nights yielded a synodic rotational period of 7.04346 +/- 0.00006 hours, a mean absolute V magnitude of 11.8026 +/- 0.0025, and a slope parameter of 0.285 +/- 0.005. The apparent discrepancy can be easily resolved by realizing that their determination is based primarily on data obtained after opposition. Different phase functions pre- and post-opposition are a natural consequence of a changing aspect during an opposition. If the sub-Earth latitude on Gaspra is at a less equatorial aspect after opposition than it was before opposition, then we would expect to see a shallower phase function (corresponding to a larger numerical value of the slope parameter). Adding weight to this hypothesis is the last observation of the opposition, made in May after Gaspra had passed post opposition quadrature, which is displaced toward brighter absolute magnitudes relative to the rest of our data, indicating an even more poleward sub-Earth latitude than earlier in the opposition. Because the orbits of Earth and Gaspra are nearly coplanar, a substantial change in sub-Earth latitude during the opposition would not have been possible unless the obliquity of the asteroid's rotational axis is not small

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