
VHF radar measurements in the summer polar mesosphere


Measurements in the mesosphere over Andoya/Norway (69 N, 16 E) were carried out using the mobile SOUSY-VHF radar with an extended beam configuration during the MAC/SINE campaign in summer 1987. First results of a 48 h and a 3 h observational period for heights between about 83 and 91 km are presented. Zonal mean winds are characterized by a strong westward flow of up to 50/ms, whereas the equatorward directed meridional component is weaker. The dominating semidiurnal tide has amplitudes up to 30/ms and a vertical wavelength of about 55 km. The diurnal tide is less pronounced. The total upward flux of horizontal momentum takes values of -2 sq m/sq s near 84 km and increases with increasing height, reaching a maximum value of 22 sq m/sqs for both the zonal and meridional components. However, measurements of the horizontal isotropy of the wave field suggest significant anisotropy. The major contribution to the momentum flux is from the 10 min to 1 h period range below about 87 km, and from the 1 to 6 h period range above this height

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