
Design considerations for space radiators based on the liquid sheet (LSR) concept


Concept development work on space heat rejection subsystems tailored to the requirements of various space power conversion systems is proceeding over a broad front of technologies at NASA LeRC. Included are orbital and planetary surface based radiator concepts utilizing pumped loops, a variety of heat pipe radiator concepts, and the innovative liquid sheet radiator (LSR). The basic feasibility of the LSR concept was investigated in prior work which generated preliminary information indicating the suitability of the LSR concept for space power systems requiring cycle reject heat to be radiated to the space sink at low-to-mid temperatures (300 to 400 K), with silicon oils used for the radiator working fluid. This study is directed at performing a comparative examination of LSR characteristics as they affect the basic design of low earth orbit solar dynamic power conversion systems. The power systems considered were based on the closed Brayton (CBC) and the Free Piston Stirling (FPS) cycles, each with a power output of 2 kWe and using previously tested silicone oil (Dow-Corning Me2) as the radiator working fluid. Conclusions indicate that, due to its ability for direct cold end cooling, an LSR based heat rejection subsystem is far more compatible with a Stirling space power system than with a CBC, which requires LSR coupling by means of an intermediate gas/liquid heat exchanger and adjustment of cycle operating conditions

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