
Lightning observations from space shuttle


The experimental program of the Earth Sciences and Applications Division at NASA/MSFC includes development of the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) for the NOAA Earth Observing System (EOS) Polar Platform. The research plan is to use existing lightning information to generate simulated data for the LIS experiment. Navigation algorithms were used to transform pixel locations to latitude and longitude values. The simulated data would then be used to test and develop algorithms for the analysis of LIS data. Individual frames of video imagery obtained from Space Shuttle Missions provide the raw data for the simulation. Individual video frames were digitized to get the pixel locations of lightning flashes. The pixel locations will be used to locate the geographical position of the event. Because of a lack of detailed knowledge of camera orientation with respect to the Space Shuttle, video scenes that contain identifiable city lights were chosen for analysis. A method for locating the payload bay camera axis was developed and tested. Two measurements are needed: the pixel location of the apparent horizon and a timed siting of a known location passing the principal line of the image. Individual video frames were navigated and lightning illuminated clouds were located on the map. Satisfactory agreement in location was achieved for cities and LLP lightning locations. Ground truth measurements were compared to satellite observations. A vertical lightning event was identified on the horizon. Very low frequency (VLF) transmission on this particular occassion shows a strong response to negative cloud to cloud flashes

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