
Survey observations of emission-line stars in the Orion region


Survey observations were conducted for H alpha-emission stars in the Orion region using the Kiso Schmidt telescope and partly the CTIO Curtis Schmidt telescope. In the area of about 25 square degrees, a total of 236 H alpha-emission objects, mostly supposed to be T Tau type stars, have been detected among which 155 are new ones including 6 non-stellar objects. Celestial coordinates and V-magnitude are measured for the detected objects. Eye estimation of the H alpha-emission intensity is also made at three epochs in a time span of about two years, where notable variation of H alpha intensity was found in 68 out of 236 objects. Besides a remarkable concentration along the northern dark cloud complex, a loose concentration is noticed near the Orion Belt region, fairly well coinciding with the distribution of the Orion OBIb association members. A comparison with the Av-map is also made to see the relationship between the distribution of emission-line objects and that of interstellar dust

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