
Experimental study of an independently deflected wingtip mounted on a semispan wing


The results of a subsonic wind tunnel test of a semispan wing with an independently deflected tip surface are presented and analyzed. The tip surface was deflected about the quarter chord of the rectangular wing and accounted for 17 percent of the wing semispan. The test was conducted to measure the loads on the tip surface and to investigate the nature of aerodynamic interference effects between the wing and the deflected tip. Results are presented for two swept tip surfaces of similar planform but different airfoil distributions. The report contains plots of tip lift, drag, and pitching moment for various Reynolds numbers and tip deflection angles with respect to the inboard wing. Oil flow visualization photographs for a typical Reynolds number are also included. Important aerodynamic parameters such as lift and pitching moment slopes and tip aerodynamic center location are tabulated. A discussion is presented on the relationship between tip experimental data acquired in a steady flow and the prediction of unsteady tip motion at fixed wing angles of attack

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