
Navigation of the TSS-1 mission


The Tethered Satellite System Mission was analyzed to determine its impacts on the Mission Control Center (MCC) Navigation section's ability to maintain an accurate state vector for the Space Shuttle during nominal and off-nominal flight operations. Tether dynamics expected on the Shuttle introduces new phenomena when determining the best estimation of its position and velocity. In the analysis, emphasis was placed on determining the navigation state vectors accuracies resulting when the tether induced forces were and were not modeled as an additional acceleration upon processing tracking measurements around a TSS-1 trajectory. Results of the analyses show that when the forces are not modeled in the state vector generation process, the resulting solution state reflects a solution about the center of gravity of the tethered system and not that of the orbiter. The Navigation team's ability to provide accurate state vector estimates necessary for trajectory planning are impeded. In addition to this consequent, is an impact on Onboard Navigation state vector accuracies. These analyses will show that in order to preserve an accurate state onboard the orbiter a new operational procedure would have to be adopted

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