
Evolution of the Martian hydrosphere


The concept of the hydrological cycle is one of the greatest achievements in the understanding of nature. Leonardo da Vinci seems to have held two concurrent views of the cycle: an external process in which evaporation from ponded areas leads to precipitation and runoff from the land; and an internal process in which subsurface pressures from within the Earth force water upward. Endogenetic hypotheses for valley genesis on Mars maintain the necessary prolonged ground water flows by hydrothermal circulation associated with impact cratering or with volcanism. Ocean formation on Mars was episodic, mostly evidenced by the latest episodes. Coincident cataclysmic flood discharges to the northern plains, probably triggered by Tharsis volcanism, would lead to immense consequences. Potential volumes of ponded water are summarized. The outflow channels have a complex history of flooding events over a prolonged period of planetary history. It is hypothesized that episodic outbursts of concurrent discharge was triggered by planetary scale volcanism. The consequences of such episodes are summarized

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