
Role of artesian groundwater in forming Martian permafrost features


Various landforms possibly related to formation (growth), movement, or decay of ground ice have been identified on Mars, including fretted terrain (ft) and associated lobate debris aprons (lda), the chaotic terrain, concentric crater fills (ccf), polygonal ground, softened terrain, small domes that are possibly pingos, and curvilinear (fingerprint) features (cuf). Glaciers may also have been present. Some of these may involve ice derived from artesian groundwater. Topical areas of discussion are: Mars groundwater and the location of permafrost features; the ft, lda, ccf, and cuf; role of artesian groundwater in formation of fretted terrain, lobate debris blankets, and concentric crater fills; sources of glacial ice; and pingos and other pseudovolcanic structures

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