
DSN G/T(sub op) and telecommunications system performance


Provided here is an intersystem comparison of present and evolving Deep Space Network (DSN) microwave receiving systems. Comparisons of the receiving systems are based on the widely used G/T sub op figure of merit, which is defined as antenna gain divided by operating system noise temperature. In 10 years, it is expected that the DSN 32 GHz microwave receiving system will improve the G/T sub op performance over the current 8.4 GHz system by 8.3 dB. To compare future telecommunications system end-to-end performance, both the receiving systems' G/T sub op and spacecraft transmit parameters are used. Improving the 32 GHz spacecraft transmitter system is shown to increase the end-to-end telecommunications system performance an additional 3.2 dB, for a net improvement of 11.5 dB. These values are without a planet in the field of view (FOV). A Saturn mission is used for an example calculation to indicate the degradation in performance with a planet in the field of view

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