
An analysis of the Hubble Space Telescope fine guidance sensor fine lock mode


There are two guiding modes of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) used for the acquisition of astronomical data by one of its six scientific instruments. The more precise one is called Fine Lock. Command and control problems in the onboard electronics has limited Fine Lock to brighter stars, V less than 13.0 mag, instead of fulfilling its goal of V = 14.5 mag. Consequently, the less precise guiding mode of Coarse Track (approximately 40 milli-arc seconds) has to be used fairly frequently. Indeed, almost half of the scientific observations to have been made with the HST will be compromised. The only realistic or extensive simulations of the Fine Lock guidance mode are reported. The theoretical analysis underlying the Monte Carlo experiments and the numerical computations clearly show both that the control electronics are severely under-engineered and how to adjust the various control parameters to successfully extend Fine Lock guiding performance back to V = 14.0 mag and sometimes beyond

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