
Aqueous alteration on the parent bodies of carbonaceous chondrites: Computer simulations of late-stage oxidation


CI carbonaceous chondrites may be products of hydrous alteration of CV- or anhydrous CM-type materials. The CIs typically contain veins filled with carbonates and sulfates, probably indicating a period of late stage aqueous alteration under oxidizing conditions. To test this idea, computer simulations of aqueous alteration of CV- and CM-type carbonaceous were performed. Simulations were restricted to the oxidation of hydrous mineral assemblages produced in previous simulations in order to determine whether further reaction and oxidation results in the phyllosilicate, carbonate, sulfate and oxide vein assemblages typical of CI carbonaceous chondrites. Our simulations were performed at 1, 25, 100, and 150 C (the appropriate temperature range) for the CV and CM mineral assemblages and using the computer code EQ3/6

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