
Design, modeling, and analysis of multi-channel demultiplexer/demodulator


Traditionally, satellites have performed the function of a simple repeater. Newer data distribution satellite architectures, however, require demodulation of many frequency division multiplexed uplink channels by a single demultiplexer/demodulator unit, baseband processing and routing of individual voice/data circuits, and remodulation into time division multiplexed (TDM) downlink carriers. The TRW MCDD (Multichannel Demultiplexer/Multirate Demodulator) operates on a 37.4 MHz composite input signal. Individual channel data rates are either 64 Kbps or 2.048 Mbps. The wideband demultiplexer divides the input signal into 1.44 MHz segments containing either a single 2.048 Mbps channel or thirty two 64 Kbps channels. In the latter case, the narrowband demultiplexer further divides the single 1.44 MHz wideband channel into thirty two 45 KHz narrowband channels. With this approach the time domain Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) channelizer processing capacity is matched well to the bandwidth and number of channels to be demultiplexed. By using a multirate demodulator fewer demodulators are required while achieving greater flexibility. Each demodulator can process a wideband channel or thirty two narrowband channels. Either all wideband channels, a mixture of wideband and narrowband channels, or all narrowband channels can be demodulated. The multirate demodulator approach also has lower nonrecurring costs since only one design and development effort is needed. TRW has developed a proof of concept (POC) model which fully demonstrates the signal processing fuctions of MCDD. It is capable of processing either three 2.048 Mbps channels or two 2.048 Mbps channels and thirty two 64 Kbps channels. An overview of important MCDD system engineering issues is presented as well as discussion on some of the Block Oriented System Simulation analyses performed for design verification and selection of operational parameters of the POC model. Systems engineering analysis of the POC model confirmed that the MCDD concepts are not only achievable but also balance the joint goals of minimizing on-board complexity and cost of ground equipment, while retaining the flexibility needed to meet a wide range of system requirements

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