
Evaluation, development, and characterization of superconducting materials for space applications


The anisotropic electromagnetic features of a grain-aligned YBa2Cu3O(x) bulk sample derived from a process of long-time partial melt growth were investigated by the measurements of direct current magnetization (at 77 K) and alternating current susceptibility as a function of temperature, with the fields applied parallel and perpendicular to the c axis, respectively. The extended Bean model was further studied and applied to explain the experimental results. Upon comparison of the grain-aligned sample with pure single crystal materials, it is concluded that because of the existence of more effective pinning sites in the grain-aligned sample, not only its critical current density perpendicular to the c axis is improved, but the one parallel to the c axis is improved even more significantly. The anisotropy in the critical current densities in the grain-aligned sample at 77 K is at least one to two orders of magnitude smaller than in the pure single crystal. The measurement of anisotropy of alternating current susceptibility as a function of temperature, especially its imaginary part, shows that there are still some residues of interlayer weak links in the grain-aligned samples, but they are quite different from and far less serious than the weak links in the sintered sample

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