
High-speed laser anemometry based on spectrally resolved Rayleigh scattering


Laser anemometry in unseeded flows based on the measurement of the spectrum of Rayleigh scattered laser light is reviewed. The use of molecular scattering avoids the well known problems (particle lag, biasing effects, seed generation, seed injection) of seeded flows. The fundamental limits on velocity measurement accuracy are determined using maximum likelihood methods. Measurement of the Rayleigh spectrum with scanning Fabry-Perot interferometers is analyzed and accuracy limits are established for both single pass and multipass configurations. Multipass configurations have much higher selectivity and are needed for measurements where there is a large amount of excess noise caused by stray laser light. It is shown that Rayleigh scattering is particularly useful for supersonic and hypersonic flows. The results of the analysis are compared with measurements obtained with a Rayleigh scattering diagnostic developed for study of the exhaust plume of a small hydrogen-oxygen rocket, where the velocities are in the range of 1000 to 5000 m/sec

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