
On-board demux/demod


To make satellite channels cost competitive with optical cables, the use of small, inexpensive earth stations with reduced antenna size and high powered amplifier (HPA) power will be needed. This will necessitate the use of high e.i.r.p. and gain-to-noise temperature ratio (G/T) multibeam satellites. For a multibeam satellite, onboard switching is required in order to maintain the needed connectivity between beams. This switching function can be realized by either an receive frequency (RF) or a baseband unit. The baseband switching approach has the additional advantage of decoupling the up-link and down-link, thus enabling rate and format conversion as well as improving the link performance. A baseband switching satellite requires the demultiplexing and demodulation of the up-link carriers before they can be switched to their assigned down-link beams. Principles of operation, design and implementation issues of such an onboard demultiplexer/demodulator (bulk demodulator) that was recently built at COMSAT Labs. are discussed

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