
Z306 molecular contamination ad hoc committee results


LDEF external surfaces which did not receive significant amounts of atomic oxygen were observed to be coated with a brown contamination, apparently the result of a condensed organic residue darkened due to UV radiation exposure. During the initial Materials Special Investigation Group (MSIG) Meeting after LDEF deintegration, held in Seattle - July 1990, this organic contamination was the subject of much discussion. The amount of contamination was thought to be significant and its source was immediately believed to be the Z306 black thermal control coating used to coat the entire inner surface of LDEF. Due to the size of the structure, it was not feasible to bake-out the coating. However, initial data on the contamination film was confusing in that significant amounts of silicon was observed by several different researchers. Silicon (from silicone) was not expected to be a potential outgassing product of the Z306 polyurethane coating. To investigate the connection between external contamination and the interior paint, a MSIG ad hoc committee was formed

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