
Fuzzy logic control system to provide autonomous collision avoidance for Mars rover vehicle


NASA is currently involved with planning unmanned missions to Mars to investigate the terrain and process soil samples in advance of a manned mission. A key issue involved in unmanned surface exploration on Mars is that of supporting autonomous maneuvering since radio communication involves lengthy delays. It is anticipated that specific target locations will be designated for sample gathering. In maneuvering autonomously from a starting position to a target position, the rover will need to avoid a variety of obstacles such as boulders or troughs that may block the shortest path to the target. The physical integrity of the rover needs to be maintained while minimizing the time and distance required to attain the target position. Fuzzy logic lends itself well to building reliable control systems that function in the presence of uncertainty or ambiguity. The following major issues are discussed: (1) the nature of fuzzy logic control systems and software tools to implement them; (2) collision avoidance in the presence of fuzzy parameters; and (3) techniques for adaptation in fuzzy logic control systems

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