
Heat transfer in oscillating flows with sudden change in cross section


Oscillating fluid flow (zero mean) with heat transfer, between two parallel plates with a sudden change in cross section, was examined computationally. The flow was assumed to be laminar and incompressible with inflow velocity uniform over the channel cross section but varying sinusoidally with time. Over 30 different cases were examined; these cases cover wide ranges of Re sub max (187.5 to 30000), Va (1 to 350), expansion ratio (1:2, 1:4, 1:8, and 1:12) and A sub r (0.68 to 4). Three different geometric cases were considered (asymmetric expansion and/or contraction, symmetric expansion/contraction, and symmetric blunt body). The heat transfer cases were based on constant wall temperature at higher (heating) or lower (cooling) value than the inflow fluid temperature. As a result of the oscillating flow, the fluid undergoes sudden expansion in one half of the cycle and sudden contraction in the other half. One heating case is examined in detail, and conclusions are drawn from all the cases (documented in detail elsewhere). Instantaneous friction factors and heat transfer coefficients, for some ranges of Re sub max and Va, deviated substantially from those predicted with steady state correlations

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