
An approximate solution for interlaminar stresses in laminated composites: Applied mechanics program


An approximate solution for interlaminar stresses in finite width, laminated composites subjected to uniform extensional, and bending loads is presented. The solution is based upon the principle of minimum complementary energy and an assumed, statically admissible stress state, derived by considering local material mismatch effects and global equilibrium requirements. The stresses in each layer are approximated by polynomial functions of the thickness coordinate, multiplied by combinations of exponential functions of the in-plane coordinate, expressed in terms of fourteen unknown decay parameters. Imposing the stationary condition of the laminate complementary energy with respect to the unknown variables yields a system of fourteen non-linear algebraic equations for the parameters. Newton's method is implemented to solve this system. Once the parameters are known, the stresses can be easily determined at any point in the laminate. Results are presented for through-thickness and interlaminar stress distributions for angle-ply, cross-ply (symmetric and unsymmetric laminates), and quasi-isotropic laminates subjected to uniform extension and bending. It is shown that the solution compares well with existing finite element solutions and represents an improved approximate solution for interlaminar stresses, primarily at interfaces where global equilibrium is satisfied by the in-plane stresses, but large local mismatch in properties requires the presence of interlaminar stresses

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