
Progressive transmission of pseudo-color images. Appendix 1: Item 4


The transmission of digital images can require considerable channel bandwidth. The cost of obtaining such a channel can be prohibitive, or the channel might simply not be available. In this case, progressive transmission (PT) can be useful. PT presents the user with a coarse initial image approximation, and then proceeds to refine it. In this way, the user tends to receive information about the content of the image sooner than if a sequential transmission method is used. PT finds application in image data base browsing, teleconferencing, medical and other applications. A PT scheme is developed for use with a particular type of image data, the pseudo-color or color mapped image. Such images consist of a table of colors called a colormap, plus a 2-D array of index values which indicate which colormap entry is to be used to display a given pixel. This type of image presents some unique problems for a PT coder, and techniques for overcoming these problems are developed. A computer simulation of the color mapped PT scheme is developed to evaluate its performance. Results of simulation using several test images are presented

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