
Macromolecular recognition: Structural aspects of the origin of the genetic system


Theoretical simulation of prebiotic chemical processes is an invaluable tool for probing the phenomenon of the evolution of life. Using computational and modeling techniques and guided by analogies from present day systems, we seek to understand the emergence of the genetic apparatus, enzymatic catalysis and protein synthesis under prebiotic conditions. Modeling of the ancestral aminoacyl-tRNA-synthetases (aRS) may provide important clues to the emergence of the genetic code and the protein synthetic machinery. The minimal structural requirements for the catalysis of tRNA aminoacylation are being explored. A formation of an aminoacyl adenylate was studied in the framework of ab initio molecular orbital theory. The role of individual residues in the vicinity of the TyrRS active site was examined, and the effect of all possible amino acids substitutions near the active site was examined. A formation of aminoacyl tRNA was studied by the molecular modeling system SYBYL with the high resolution crystallographic structures of the present day tRNA, aRS's complexes. The ultimate goal is to propose a simple RNA segment that is small enough to be build in the primordial chemical environment but maintains the specificity and catalytic activity of the contemporary RNA enzyme. To understand the mechanism of ribozyme catalyzed reactions, ab initio and semi-empirical (ZINDO) programs were used to investigate the reaction path of transphosphorylation. A special emphasis was placed on the possible catalytic and structural roles played by the coordinated magnesium cation. Both the inline and adjacent mechanisms of transphosphorylation were studied. The structural characteristics of the target helices, particularly a possible role for the G-T pair, is also studied by a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation technique

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